Day 23: Forget-Me-Nots in December – A Touch of Blue in the Winter Garden

Dark Days December Challenge Day 23 – a blue beautiful treat

The countdown to Christmas is well underway, but my garden offered me an early present today: a cluster of forget-me-nots flowering in a pot near the back door.

A Delicate Surprise

Forget-me-nots are a favorite of mine, with their tiny blue petals and cheerful demeanor. I usually think of them as a springtime delight, but there they were today, bravely blooming against the odds. Their delicate flowers looked like little sparks of blue against the muted tones of the winter garden.

How they’ve managed to flower now, I’m not entirely sure. Perhaps the unseasonably warm December days have tricked them into an early bloom. Whatever the reason, they’re a welcome sight – a splash of color to brighten up these short, grey days.

A Reminder to Pause and Appreciate

Seeing those forget-me-nots reminded me to slow down and savor the small moments. It’s so easy to rush through the holidays, caught up in preparations and to-do lists. But nature has its own pace, inviting us to pause, notice, and appreciate.

Have you seen any little surprises in your garden or on your walks? Even the smallest discovery can bring a moment of joy and connection with the natural world. Take a moment today to look for those hidden treasures – they’re out there, waiting to be found.

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