Dark Days December Challenge: Day 1 of Connecting with Nature -Woodlouse

Day 1: Connecting with nature to improve my mood & wellbeing by watching woodlouse on my garden wall.

This evening was the first time filming for the Dark Days December Challenge. I wanted to see some of the invertebrates that live in the garden. The mild weather made this easier today. I hung over the garden wall to see what I could find. Low and behold there were a number of woodlice. This is a common shiny woodlouse it was large compared to some of the other individuals (of differing species) I saw this evening.

The woodlouse in the video stayed still for a long time before starting to move. The light of my camera and torch had a impact on the behaviour of the woodlouse. Woodlice will often “play dead” if you pick them up and put them somewhere new.

I have put a voice-over on the video, as I was leaning over the wall, the rustling picked up by the microphone and spoilt the natural audio of the video.

I think it is going to be really challenging to do this on the cold, wet, dark December evenings. However, going out this evening has made me smile. Watching the woodlice in all the crevices in the garden wall, it is a little metropolis. Then finding a woodlouse in a suitable place to film the “Day 1” video was great. I am curious about what nature I am going to connect with tomorrow in the front garden. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you can start to join me on this connecting with nature in winter’s darkest days – challenge.

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