Day 15: Connecting with nature to improve my wellbeing in the dark days of winter by spotting a tiny fly washing its’ wings
Enchanted By Gossamer Wings
Today started off beautiful. The December sun was shining. We decided to do the remaining Christmas gift shopping whilst all the teenagers were out and about for the day. Whilst waiting for my husband to get ready I popped outside into my wildlife garden. I was slowly looking around the wildlife garden, I was looking carefully at the Ivy – it is such a deep green this time of year, when most other plants have died. Then all of a sudden this tiny fly landed on a leaf in front of my eyes. The fly’s wings were sparkling in the sunlight
Beautiful Colours on A Tiny Insect
The fly had red eyes, the wings sparkled blue, green, pink. The abdomen was orange. As I looked closely at this tiny and marvellous insect. The fly began to clean its’ wings. A totally enchanting moment in the mid-December.
The Winter Blues
This time of year is hard for lots of people for so many reasons. I have had a busy day shopping, wrapping and making cards. But spending that time in the garden this morning lifted my spirits. It is a short blog today as I have more Christmas cards to write.