Dark Days December Challenge: Day 4 Connecting with Nature – Leaf Buds

Day 4: Connecting with nature to improve my wellbeing in the dark winter days by looking at the leaf buds on the Hydrangea

Tonight it was wild, wet and windy and about 11 degrees. Nive degrees warmer then when I left for work this morning! Initially, it was so mild that I went searching for spiders, but to no avail. Then I turned my attention to the Hydrangea – by this time I was already fairly soaked by the rain. In the dark days of winter nothing cheers me up more then seeing small signs that Spring is coming (fairly soon).

I shone my torch on the Hydrangea flowers and the stems had started to turn red in places – they looked beautiful. Then, I noticed the pairs of leaf buds, looking pregnant with anticipation of the Spring. I use these in February/March time to help guide me when I prune.

Despite the wind and rain, seeing the buds on the Hydrangea, and the red streaks that have developed on the stems – not only gave me hope in these dark days, but also made me smile on a soggy Wednesday evening. I hope even when it is raining and you want to stay in the dry and warm, that you are able to get outside and connect with nature too.

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